Carrot and Daikon Radish Salad
I decided to make this with random ingredients in my home that I thought would taste good. This recipe is not a pickle. You can eat it as is or you can let it ferment so it is like kimchi.
Daikon Radish
Salted Shrimp 새우젓
In all honesty, I did not measure anything of what I put together because this recipe was just made by just tasting the food and adding more until it tasted good! So, I have only rough measurements. So, when making this, just season to taste.
Slice up the daikon and the carrots into thin strips
I cut up 5 carrots and around 1lb worth of daikon radish
Chop up garlic into small pieces
Use as much garlic as you want. I love garlic, so I used around 10 cloves.
Chop up ginger into small pieces
I used around half of a tablespoon, but add as much ginger as you would like
Take some of the salted shrimp and chop them up
I chopped up around a tablespoon of the shrimp
Transfer everything into a big bowl
Add salt
I added around a table spoon of salt
Add sugar
I added around a table spoon of sugar
Add the gochugaru
I added around half a table spoon of the gochugaru
Mix everything together taste and if it tastes good then you are done!
You can add to a jar and add more salt so that it ferments if you want to. Or you can just eat it as is!