Pickling Apples
1 mason 16oz jar
Apples thinly sliced into rings
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar
1/2 cup of sugar
A teaspoon of salt
2 sticks of cinnamon
2 Star anise
Thinly slice an apple into rings if they do not fit into jar, cut the rings into quarters
Squeeze out a tablespoon of lemon juice
Add the apple, lemon juice, cinnamon and star anise to the jar
Sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar over the apples and mix
Into a pot, add the water, white vinegar, sugar, and salt
Put the pot on the stove
Heat and stir until all the sugar is dissolved
Once the liquid is boiling and add a cover to the pot for a few minutes
Turn turn off the heat and uncover the pot
Let the liquid cool for a few minutes and pour into the mason jar and close
Refrigerate and try after a few days!
These pickles tasted like exactly like eating an apple pie. I strongly recommend that you try eating them with vanilla ice cream.
If you want the pickles to be cruncher, try cutting the rings of apples thicker.